Los Angeles Sigmas Fight Pancreatic Cancer

Bro. Jorey Blake was recently tapped as a volunteer ambassador for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in Los Angeles. PanCAN was the first organization dedicated to fighting pancreatic cancer in a comprehensive way— with the mission to advance research, build community, share knowledge and advocate for patients.

Pancreatic cancer is a formidable adversary, known for its stealthy nature and devastating effects. While it can strike anyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, there's growing recognition that certain communities face disproportionate challenges in combating this disease. Among these, the African American community stands out, facing unique barriers to detection, treatment, and survival.

One significant issue is the lack of awareness and early detection efforts tailored specifically to African Americans. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be vague and easily mistaken for other less severe conditions, leading to delayed diagnoses.

Our very own, civil rights leader and congressman, Bro. Rep. John R. Lewis lost his battle with pancreatic cancer in 2020. Lewis's legacy of activism and resilience continues to inspire, but his struggle underscores the need for greater attention to pancreatic cancer within marginalized communities.

Entertainment legends, Aretha Franklin and Chadwick Boeseman also brought pancreatic cancer into the public consciousness, but countless others within the African American community fight this battle silently every day.

Our goal is to raise $3K

On April 27, 2024, brothers of the Phi Beta Sigma Chapter will join in the PurpleStride Walk which raises money to fund vital research that can bring new treatment options to patients; free, personalized, one-to-one support through PanCAN Patient Services; and more.


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